Thursday, May 5, 2016

Introduction and Family

For my first blog post, I figured I would give a little introduction about myself and my family. My name is Tyler Jorgensen and I am from Idaho. I am 24 years old, and I am a professional yoyoer.
Yeah it's pretty out there, and chances are you've probably never heard of that before. I started yoyoing in the 3rd grade thanks to school assemblies and my dad. I yoyoed off and on for a couple of years until about 2008 where I started to get more serious about it. Last year I got picked up by my favorite yoyo company MonkeyfingeR Design which I am very thankful for. I now run the social media side of the company.

Any who, another part of my life that is pretty significant was my mission. I served in Cambodia, and it is my favorite place in the world. I wish I had some pictures on this computer and I would show you guys, but I will figure that out later. I have been home for 3 years now.

On August 7th, 2014 I married the woman of my dreams. We live in Pocatello right now, and she puts up with my weird hobbies (kendama, yoyo, photography.) We got married at the Logan Temple in Utah. She really is amazing and I am so happy that she is in my life. She makes me a better person.

We have a little puppy named Blink. She is a lab mix, and she can be a spaz. We still love her though!

Another aspect of my life is dirt bike riding. My wife and I love to go riding. My favorite place to ride is in Moab, UT. The amount of trails that you can ride there is unreal!

The last little bit (and this blog will mostly showcase this) is my passion for photography. For Christmas I got a Canon Rebel t6i. I wanted one mostly to take videos for yoyoing, but I got into the aspects of photography. I learned from the School of YouTube on how to properly use a camera, and I am still working on that!

Anyway, I am mainly doing this to document my journey in photography, mostly for myself. If anyone enjoys this then all the better. :) 


  1. You have a great eye. I look forward to watching your progression.

    1. Thank you very much! I really enjoy photography so I hope to get better at it!
